
Mashamba ya zabibu ya Chile

Mashamba ya zabibu ya Chile

Viticulture in the Chile is the product of Spanish colonization. Pacific Ocean in the West, the Andes chain East, the Chile has many assets to be a country of great terroirs: good well located land, water, climate, a workforce who knows the viticulture.

The Chilean viticulure dates from the time of the conquistadors who brought with them the vine from Europe mid-16th century. The country has not experienced the ravages of the phylloxera and retains préphylloxériques non-grafted vines made in middle of the 19th century by Don Luis Cousiño.

Production of wines occurs mainly in the Central Valley, a region bounded by two mountain ranges, crossing of many rivers and streams, like the Aconcagua, Maipo, the Cachapoal, the Tinguiririca, the Teno, the Lontué, the Loncomilla and Maule, and extending 80 km to the North and 350 km south of the capital Santiago.

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